Home Astrology Zodiac Signs

Zodiac Signs

by soumya dixit

Aries (21 March – 20 April)
Financially a strong month, you could go and check out some
property sites for investments. Stability for all sorts in financial
matter is there. Involvement of third person in your relationship is
likely to be seen. Stay positive even if the situation seems
unfavorable. Keep an open mind. A lot of travelling is on the cards.

Taurus (21 April – 20 May)
Need to control your desires. Changes are there in work front.
Continuous movements required to achieve the goal else you can
miss an opportunity. A sudden short vacation will come up within a
couple of week. Health seems to be in trouble, also chances of
accidents there. Take proper care. Financial help can be received
from an old friend. Those who are waiting for promotions wait is

Gemini (21 May – 20 June)
Try to balance yourself in every situation. Love life will be disturbed.
Avoid disclosing your mind to people. Mental and physical well
being is necessary. Career wise many problems will be there,
immature handling and leaving task unfinished will lead you
nowhere. Change this attitude else whatever is there can also be
lost. Turn towards spirituality. Watering plants can be helpful.

Cancer (21 June – 22 July)
Overseas travel will prove to be beneficial because you will be
meeting someone new who will help you in your money matters as
well as in your work. Positive movements for all sorts are seen. So
many opportunities will be there. If you are in relationship chances
are you will land up marrying. Great or positive vibes will surround.
Earning and learning both will come up.

Leo (23 July – 23 August)
Time to celebrate your accomplishments, reap what you sown.
Fruitful results in everything you do. On other side suggestions for
you is do not indulge yourself in enjoyment too much. Don’t neglect
your responsibilities, take quick actions. Apply your knowledge,
skills, abilities, time for positive achievements. Others will be happy
to assist you.

Virgo (24 August – 22 September)
Something will happen that hurt. Loss in relationship is there.
Someone close can suffer or someone can cheat on you, but it will
soon pass. It’s time for you to pull yourself back a little so that you
can collect yourself. Journey to hilly area is for sure. Manage your
finance well. Don’t spend too much unnecessarily.

Libra (23 September – 23 October)
Goals and targets won’t be able to achieve. Results are not as per
the efforts in work as well as in relations due to which health may
suffer. Maintain balance between good and bad also in heart and
mind. Good news related to marriage, child birth, etc is there. Short
trip for work may be there which will beneficial for money matters.

Scorpio (24 October – 22 November)
Time to keep ego aside. Short term benefits will be received in your
work. Career seems to be little hazy for some. Clear your thoughts
and take sorted decisions. A relation may break due to lack of
communication. Keep home, work, relation in proper balance.
Buying or selling property is seen but with profit.

Sagittarius (23 November – 21 December)
Foreign travel is on the card. Lover may cheat be aware. Good times
to pursue creative art. Health can create major issue. You will be
surprised by the cancellation of an appointment. Financial matter
will improve for some. Meditation will be helpful.

Capricorn (22 December – 20 January)
Changes are there. Change for country, place, work is seen. Even
though difficulties do face you, you are learning how to deal with
them. End of conflicts and life will be better now. New relation will
enter in your life. Success is there in whatever work you take up.
Take advice from others too in order to cross every hurdle.

Aquarius (21 January – 18 February)
Major change in life is likely to be seen. Tensions related to work or
business will be there. Listen to your inner voice. Surrender
everything which you can’t control to god fully and everything in life
will work for you. So complete your work and be ready for final

Pisces (19 February – 20 March)
Money gain is possible. New opportunity, relationship or may be a
new proposal of marriage is there also excess of good fortune, divine
help is seen. Use your wisdom to work faster or to move ahead,
growth and success both will be yours.

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